Strategic HR Consulting Service

Working with senior stakeholders within your business, we can support with the design and implementation of strategic HR initiatives aligned with business imperatives and growth goals. 

 Perhaps you don’t have strategic HR capability in the organisation, or you have a requirement for additional support – Mahler Marrow Consulting Limited can plug that gap and contribute directly to the achievement of your business goals and bottom line.

Areas of particular focus: employee engagement; organisation development; organisation design; talent management; culture; change management.


  • In-house HR departments have to prioritise urgent and operational requirements.  Within the field of HR, these can be varied and multiple.  This often leads to the more pro-active strategic initiatives being neglected or indeed not happening at all.  Take advantage of the adaptable resource provided by Mahler Marrow Consulting Limited for a focussed and flexible approach to your strategic HR needs while allowing your in-house HR resource to continue to deliver the operational day-to-day.
  • With extensive commercial experience up to board level, we have demonstrable capability to deliver strategic HR initiatives which directly support the delivery of bottom-line results.

Contact us for more information:

+44 7950 863981