Coaching & Mentoring Services

Mahler Marrow Consulting Limited provides coaching and mentoring services either as a specific intervention or to support the development of a coaching culture within your organisation.

Coaching interventions to support a range of development needs:

  • Executive coaching
  • Line manager capability
  • Performance improvement
  • Behavioural change

We can also design and deliver coach training for your line managers to support their development as coaches within the organisation.

If you are an individual looking to invest in your own development, we can work with you on a coaching programme to support your individual needs.

Coaching and mentoring is undertaken either face to face or remotely and this is tailored to the individual.


Coaching and mentoring can have a significant benefit to both organisations and individual participants.  Some of the organisational benefits are:

  • Supports culture change
  • Improved line manager capability to effectively manage, encourage and motivate their people
  • Drives greater employee retention through demonstration of investment and value
  • Drives improvements to employee engagement and motivation
  • Improves levels of resilience and ability to deal with change
  • Increases and broadens leadership styles and capability
  • Strengthens Employee Value Proposition

Benefits of coaching or mentoring to individuals:

  • Effective long-term development – proven to be more effective than traditional skills development training courses
  • Improved productivity and performance
  • Greater self-awareness
  • Support with specific inhibitors to performance – eg. ‘Imposter Syndrome’, resilience, self-doubt

Contact us for more information:

+44 7950 863981