Career Coaching & Outplacement Services

We support businesses and individuals impacted by organisational changes.  Restructures, redundancy and redeployment have significant impacts on those affected, whether directly at risk or those ‘left behind’.  Mahler Marrow Consulting Limited provides 1:1 coaching to help affected individuals navigate change as well as group and individual outplacement support on practical aspects such as CV writing, job searching, interview techniques.

Career coaching enables those affected by redundancy to work through the emotional impact and move through the ‘change curve’, supporting them as they move forward to pastures new. 

Career coaching can also help individuals with career transitions such as promotions to management, a first seat on the Board or a career change.

Career coaching and outplacement support can be undertaken face to face or remotely.  This will be tailored to suit the individual and their situation.


Career coaching and outplacement has several benefits for organisations and individuals.


  • Demonstrates investment in employees – those exiting and remaining
  • Supports employee engagement during and post-transition
  • Supporting individuals affected by redundancy reduces the risk of legal challenges and tribunals resulting from the change process
  • Increases the likelihood of redundant leavers being promotors of the business


  • Supports movement through the ‘change curve’ and enables individuals to work through the stages of anger, resentment and bitterness which can hinder their progress and impact on the business
  • Provides an opportunity to reflect and develop effective strategies for moving forward to a new role or career
  • Helps the individual to find positives in a stressful and uncertain time
  • Helps the individual to prepare for their next role

Contact us for more information:

+44 7950 863981