Help - I'm new to blog writing!

All this self-promotion is new to me.  I'm used to working in organisations with talented marketing colleagues who know how to promote an organisation.  As a new business owner, there have been many new experiences for me over the past few months but this is one I've been putting off.


My aim is to write regularly but what would you like to read? What should I write about?  How much should I write? Why would anyone want to read what I write? What does a blog even look like?

To try and get some answers to those questions, I started by doing some research.

There's a lot of useful advice out there about blogging.  Having read some of it, I'm no longer sure that this even is a blog!  Whether it is or not, I decided to keep it simple and follow the advice of Dan Shewan in his article 'How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps'.  In short, those steps are:

  1. Plan
  2. Create a good headline
  3. Write the content
  4. Use images
  5. Edit what you've written

To help answer my earlier question - 'what does a blog look like?' I've taken an obvious approach and looked to my great network of friends, colleagues and acquaintances to see what they do.  Not only was this useful by way of research, but it was also a lovely opportunity to see what you're all up to!

This is good, it's all helping to give me a better understanding, but - what should I write about and will anyone want to read it?  

Advice from the experts is to write about what you know or at least have an interest in - as I'm writing a blog about blogging, I've clearly already failed at that one!  However, let's flip that - what I'm actually writing about is my confusion and slight fear of being out of my comfort zone, how that's something I'm familiar with!

Coaching is a great way to tackle that fear - the unknown, lack of control, failure - and there are some great coaching questions you can ask yourself to help work through this.

  • What is the worst that could happen?
  • Who could help you to tackle this challenge?
  • What would success look like?
  • What would success feel like?
  • What is stopping you having a go?

Will anybody read this? I'm going to have to leave that to you, but I know one thing - if I don't put anything out there, I'm answering that question with a big fat 'NO'!

So, in conclusion, what have I learned and have I answered my own questions?

I think the main thing I've learned so far is that I won't know until I try and I'm hoping if you've read this far 1) that's a reasonable sign and 2) you might give me feedback if you have some suggestions for improving my blog skills or subjects you think I should cover.

If you would like support with blog writing, I'd suggest looking elsewhere, however for strategic HR consulting, outsourced HR and coaching support, please get in touch.

Sarah Marrow

Founder & Director - Mahler Marrow Consulting Limited


+44 7950 863981